Links zu Hilfestellungen und Anleitungen zum Erstellen digitaler Schriften findest Du hier. Kurz: von der Idee zum Font.
- Featured: A few things I’ve learned about typeface design
- Featured: How to space a typeface
- Featured: So you want to create a font
- Featured: Teaching @ OH no Type Company
- Featured: TypeCooker
- Featured: Type Tools for Students
- Featured: Typeworkshop
- An Introduction to OpenType Substitution Features
- Armenotype
- Character Design Standards
- Draw in Illustrator, import into FontLab
- Family Stem Weights Calculator
- Font Constructor
- FontFeed: Type Tips
- Frank E. Blokland exercise
- iKern
- Inconspicuous vertical metrics
- KalliCulator
- LetterModeller
- Making geometric type work
- Newzald: From Moleskine to Market
- On diacritics
- Polish Diacritics: how to?
- SmallCaps How-To
- So you want to create a font. Part 2
- Spiro
- stringmaker
- Taking Your Fonts to Market: Foundry, Reseller, or Go Solo?
- Talks by Gerry Leonidas
- The conceptual side of font production & type design
- The Making of Thorn, thorn, Eth, eth
- Typeface Design and Development
- Typekit
- Von Illustrator zu FontLab
- Why did I start a type foundry?