Hier findest Du eine wachsende Übersicht zum Thema variabler Fonts.
Variable Fonts
- Featured: @variablefonts on Twitter
- Featured: Axis-Praxis (Laurence Penney)
- Featured: Axis-Praxis / Resources
- Featured: Dinamo Font Gauntlet
- Featured: Google Fonts Knowledge / VF
- Featured: Loris Olivier: Variable by nature! Custom by Experience
- Featured: OpenType specification
- Featured: V-Fonts (Nick Sherman)
- Featured: Variablefonts.io – A Variable Fonts Primer
- Featured: very able fonts (Underware)
- Animating A Variable Font With CSS
- Codepen.io experiments (Laurence Penney)
- Codepen.io experiments (Mandy Michael)
- Font Dimensions – Visualize dimensions of a variable font
- FontDrop – Explore what’s in a variable font (V. & C. Nübel)
- From TrueType GX to Variable Fonts (Tom Rickner)
- How to use variable fonts in the real world (Richard Rutter)
- Implementing a variable font with fallback web fonts (Oliver Schöndorfer)
- Introducing OpenType Variable Fonts (John Hudson)
- OpenType Font Variations (TypeNetwork)
- Protipo and the Variable Font format (Irene Vlachou)
- Silly hover effects and the future of web typography (Roel Nieskens)
- The Performance Benefits of Variable Fonts (Mandy Michael)
- The scorpion express: Thoughts on OpenType Font Variations (Matthew Butterick))
- Tutorial: Creating a Variable Font in Glyphs (Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer)
- Tutorial: How to make animations using variable fonts with Drawbot
- Tutorial: I can variable font (Travis Kochel)
- Variable fonts, a new kind of font for flexible design
- Variable Fonts: the Future of (Web) Type
- Wakamai Fondue = “What can my font do?” – Explore what’s in a font (Roel Nieskens)